Transport for New Homes Charter
We believe that everyone should have access to attractive housing, located and designed to ensure that people do not need to use or own cars to live a full life. We therefore support new housing that promotes walking, cycling and public transport and avoids dependence on cars. Equally, we oppose developments that will not achieve this outcome.
Transport for New Homes aims for new developments to be linked to sustainable transport networks leading to traffic reduction, in order to address climate change and congestion as well as to provide good, healthy living environments.
Specifically, Transport for New Homes calls for:
1. New housing to be located and configured to avoid people being dependent on cars, and to enable low and decreasing travel by private car;
2. Local authorities, working with their neighbouring authorities and transport providers, to plan housing developments along corridors with frequent public transport, or in places where they will facilitate such provision;
3. New housing to be laid out to prioritise walking and cycling as the main means of access to local facilities, adjacent areas, and public transport stations and stops;
4. Large-scale new housing to be designed around streets, places and spaces that are pleasant and interesting to be in, sociable and environmentally sustainable;
5. Large-scale new housing to be built with a range of community facilities on site, or within easy reach by sustainable modes;
6. New housing developments to benefit adjacent and nearby communities in terms of extra or better quality local amenities and sustainable transport provision, especially on routes that fill gaps in existing networks.
This Charter is dedicated to the memory of Simon Norton, sponsor of Transport for New Homes.