State of the Nation

Transport for New Homes will be publishing a State of the Nation report based on surveys of new housing developments in England. We will find out if there are good places to live for those who don’t want to drive, can’t drive or can’t afford the expense associated with buying and running a car.


Transport for New Homes have for some years been visiting new housing developments in person. Our aim is to find out whether these are properly served by good public transport and designed for walking and cycling. And we don’t just mean within the development itself, but to places nearby. Ultimately our questions are: could you easily live in the new homes without having to drive and is the place shaped around the needs of people and a good environment to live, rather than around the car?


For our latest report we hope to carry out many more visits than before. Therefore we are very lucky to have the help of volunteers to visit new developments. Volunteers use our site visit report form and can claim travel expenses. They take photos which are uploaded and we hope to use these in our upcoming report and exhibition.

Call for volunteers

We put out a call for volunteers in 2023 to undertake site visits. We undertook a second wave of site visits in spring 2024. Volunteer sign ups remain open and we will recommence volunteer site visits in 2025 as part of the fieldwork for future reports.